God's beautiful creation

God's beautiful creation

Friday, January 17, 2014

A new year and new adventures and back to school too

There we go half of January gone again. Celina had put on 3kg in 6 weeks and we had an appointment with our dietician and did some little changes to her eating plan. She still goes well and strong. We also started with little amounts of water (20-30 ml) after  each oral meal just to clean her mouth and get her slowly used to drinking liquids again and it goes wonderful.
Still I want to go small steps with her so that her body can get used to everything again.
On the 15. January school started again and Celina loved it. The last two weeks she is also quite verbal(sounds) with one of the occupational therapist and doing fantastic eye communication. She is busy learning colours and putting them together with same colour objects. And all with the eyes. It is really amazing to watch this.
I am soooo cool doing my exercises with Candice. It"s nooooo problem

and check this, standing is my favourite

and always in a good mood and laughing even if there is nothing to laugh about. Hey it could be worse.
Thank you Lord that we are alive and healthy looking forward to a great year because you are with us always.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Wow the new year starts with some excitement. I decided to ask the nurses at the hospital to train me in putting in the NG tube (nasal gastric feeding tube). So, last week I was watching everything more closely and got all the explanations what one must look out for and must do.
Today I did Celina's tube insertion the first time myself. Went all fabulous, no problem. No crying just straight in. OK, one or two little coughs but otherwise quick and easy. Three more times to the hospital and then I am on my own. A couple of years ago I would have never even dreamt of doing things like that. Amazing.
Well learned something new. But I must admit I was sweating quite a bit. And then when it was in place and checked and confirmed to be in the right place namely in the stomach I had an adrenaline rush. I was so excited that it went so easy and right the first time.
Thank You Lord for giving me a steady hand and understanding and peace for doing this.

Oh and I almost forgot....more excitement.....we weight Celina today aaaaaaand she put on 2.4 kg in just over a month. I thought something wasn't quite like it used to be. Like I felt like carrying a rock.
It is great that she put on weight and she looks really good but 2,4 kg in just over a month is a bit much for my biceps' and can definitely not go on in that speed. Well we are anyway on for our next appointment with the diatician in the next two weeks.

And then this year we are also going to sort out her teeth. Which most probably means another palette plate and maybe braces. Anyway you will hear all about it.

Physio and OT are also approved for the next 3 month each 2x per week.

Thank you Lord for such a good start of the year and we believe that it will just go on like this. Positive, successful and victorious. And all to the glory of our Lord.