God's beautiful creation

God's beautiful creation

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The days at home before surgery

Wow keeping Celina out of crowded areas is not easy. When do I go shopping, and do things I need to do? Ma is a big help but to bring Celina to Ma everytime I need to go to a shop is a shlepp. Anyways like things always go something must happen. I am supposed to keep Celina out of crowded areas because of the infection risk. She must not get sick before the surgery. I don't know if it is helping??? She was fine with a normal school life and all, now at home she has a swollen eye. I do not know if this is a moskito bite or some other stuff in the eye. Well, we just pray and tell that thing to leave Celina's eye area, in Jesus name. Amen.

Otherwise time seems to just run away and so we have not even 2 weeks left until the surgery. And only 1 1/2 weeks to get out of our accomadation and still no place to go to. But God never leaves us, never left us and will never forsake us. So I am exited to see where we are going to.

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