God's beautiful creation

God's beautiful creation

Sunday, June 2, 2013

A long Month

Wow this May seemed to have just no end. On the 6.May Celina got out of hospital all healthy and happy again. We spent the last Saturday and Sunday in hospital racing Celina in her standingframe through the long hospital hallways and had such fun. I should have had somebody running with us and filming it.
Since we are back home she is standing every single day and is very happy with it. No problems at all besides maybe the cold weather.
First we tried some warmer clothe Ok that is better but still cold

now that is nice and warm ...blanket wrapped around...yepee....and a warm drink
And now it is really getting too cold and we started putting on the heater. And then it works also without the blanket.
For afterwards I got a little friend to help keep me keep warm.
mommy?......Moooommmm help he is getting a bit heavy on my legs..... warm but heavy
alright that is better. He seems to really like me and he is warm and cuddly

But must he really kiss me???? Urg that is wet and cold.

The time goes slow but steady. The weather is getting worse and worse. Cape Town winter ....stormy and wet. I hate winter. It means not a lot of walks and a lot of time inside. Celina is having lots of position changes and animal therapy. Tigger is a lot around her and she likes to look at our fishies. From Monday to Thursday is school getting there in wind and weather and then on Fridays Mommy helps at the craftworkshop at the Chaeli Campaign which is lots of fun. Sometimes when Ma doesn't have the time to look after Celina I take her with me. She can either watch the others do their craft projects or if I have the time I do a little project with her. But normally she spents the Friday morning with Ma and she is getting a nice bath with hairwash and all by our wonderful nurse Eldah from the Westlake  homebased care. And then there are still all the therapies. Most of them are done at school but on Friday afternoon Celina has her second Occupational therapy session for the week and this one is with Ingrid. Ingrid is doing a lot of play with Celina and a lot of communication via flash cards. This works very well already and Celina gives her answers by looking at the appropriate card. Dolly is a big part of the session too. We are seeing some seizures at the moment but I am quite sure that is
 coming from a very irregular stool which is slowly becoming regular again and the seizures getting out of the picture too. This constipation is often due to the medication Celina had in hospital or when we had to stop the supplements because of financial challenges. But now everything is back on track.
Thank you Ingrid for the wonderful work you are doing with Celina. Celina is combing Dollys hair.
Thank you Lord for all the wonderful helpers and therapist you placed in our lifes.

1 comment:

  1. Liewe Celina

    Jy is heeltyd in my gedagtes en gebede. Ek weet dat God jou gaan genees. Hy is die Allergrootste God en niks is vir hom onmoontlik nie.

    Liefste Vader. Baie dankie vir die pragtige Celina. Dankie vir haar wonderlike ongelooflike ouers Here. Ek dankie U vir wonderwerke. En ek dank U vir die wonderwerk wat U vir Celina gaan doen. Mag daar genesing in haar hele liggaan inkom. In Jesus Christus van Nasaret se heilige naam. Amen

    Baie baie liefde

