God's beautiful creation

God's beautiful creation

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

God created our body

One more comment to the growing of bones. I have thought a lot of this. Is it right to go and have this surgery done is it godly.

Well think of electricity. It exists since the beginning. Since Adam and Eve. Yet it took hundreds if not thousands of years before we had light, stoves, TVs, appliances etc.
But it was there. God created it when he made the earth with everything in it. It just needed someone to understand and use it. By trial and error a person developed light etc.
God made a lot of things when he made the earth it just needed people to use it and understand it and do something with it.

The same goes for the human body. This is God's miracle work. It is a whole amazing creation on its own. For example have you ever watched a wound healing all by itself. It doesn't really need help to heal. The brain, oh my word is still not fully explainable. A broken bone grows together again. It is just phenomenal what the body can do.

With that said and coming back to Celina's surgery and growing her bone is nothing else but God's work. God created our bones in a way that they can grow. Doctors just find the right method how to do this and use the bones ability to grow. When I look at Dr Hendricks I just see a man with great excitement of helping people in a major way to a better quality of life. He himself said he is just preparing, getting the tools and doing the surgery the rest is the same as for us ...... watching the body doing the rest and being totally amazed and exited what the body can do. And its not only the bone that will grow everything else around it grows with it the vessels, cells etc. because otherwise one would kind of like stretch the skin quite a bit.

Think about it and let it sink in and see God's creation all around you. It might just change your life. I could go on for pages but I will stop here and hope it caused something in you to be amazed, to think about or even change your life and getting a little closer to God.

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