God's beautiful creation

God's beautiful creation

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Almost tubeless

What a morning!!!! Dr Lund came in and is very happy with Celina's progress and the sisters took off all the dressings. Well, the one only half ways because the other half is under the cast. The scars all healed very well so far. They just thin lines. Three of them on the right and one on the left. The longest is about 10 cm. They do that very nice nowadays. Then they took out the CVP line and last but not least the catheter. Sooo, we are just left with the feeding tube. And mommy is going home today to cook so that Lini can get some proper food. Through all this Celina just looked pretty and did not even pull a face. No crying, just a brave girl. Wow. Amazing.
no tubes anymore only the one in my nose

And I am a happy chappy, smiling and laughing again or better still
Thank You Lord for never leaving nor forsaking us.  Lord You are the love of our lives.

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