God's beautiful creation

God's beautiful creation

Sunday, December 2, 2012

What a weekend

I was packing Thursday and Friday and had fetched Eldah to look after Celina. When we brought our first load of boxes to Ma's garage to store I went inside to check on Celina she was breathing heavily and fast and she wouldn't eat her lunch. With the time the breathing got worse and she started a temperatur, still low. I was thinking of the surgery on Wednesday and how we do not need to have this. So I decided to bring her to emergency. After 4 hours in ER Celina was admitted into hospital with lunginfection. They started straight away with Antibiotics, nebuliser and oxygene. Her oxygene levels were quite low. Clint went on moving our stuff to Ma's house. Yes we still do not know where to go to. By about 9 pm we arrived in the ward and could finally start settling. We were all tired. Our dear friend Winona got Pizza for us to fill our hungry tummies. Then my poor husband still got our overnight stuff and I had a night on a lazy boy which wasn't to comfortable. Celina was sleeping through the night. She had nebulizers and oxygene right through the night. The morning started with Antibiotics, nebuliser and chest physio, trusting and believing that she will be fit for the surgery on Wednesday. By tonight we must give the keys back. And another season in our lifes came to an end.
After so many challenges this whole year December looks very promissing. God has a plan to finish  the year in BLESSINGS AND ABUNDANCE.

1 comment:

  1. so sorry to hear about the chest infection especially after keeping her from everyone.praying for you all.
