God's beautiful creation

God's beautiful creation

Friday, December 14, 2012

Just chillaxing

The days go by and the surgery is coming closer. In the meanwhile Lini and myself are lazing around. Chillaxing.
What else can you do in this heat?
Well this afternoon we are going to Canalwalk to get our voucher and shop a bit. It should be nice and cool in the mall. Just hope it is not too full. Lini is going to stay with Ma, going on with the chillaxing. And then its just the weekend and back to hospital. Before you know it is all over.
Lini woke up this morning already laughing. What an amazing child. Thank you Lord for her joy.

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1 comment:

  1. It was so funny to hear you talk about the heat. . .we're just coming out of a deep freeze! Today it's a little warmer at -7 degrees Celcius!
